Group Members

Principal Investigator

Dr. Xiong Gong
School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering

Department of Chemical, Biomolecular and Corrosion Engineering

The University of Akron

Phone: (330) 972-4983
Fax: (330) 972-3406

Office: GDYR 1201C
Labs: GDYR1206, GDYR1214, GDYR 1218

Associate Editor: Organic Electronics

Deputy Editor: Emergent Materials

Editorial Board Members: Scientific Reports, Polymers, and Chinese Chemistry Letter

Dr. Gong CV

Current Group Members

Lening Shen, Ph. D. student
Hussain Sawwan, Ph. D. student
Anthony S. Posavec, Ph. D. student

Lei Liu, Ph. D. student

Xiyao Zhang, Ph. D. student

Xun Liu, Master Student

Mr. Tianyu Meng, Ph. D. student, Organic thermoelectric devices

Tianyu Meng, Ph. D. student, Organic thermoelectric device

Former students

Unal Cagatay Yilmazoglu, Ph. D. student
Yanghe Liu, M Sc. student

Mr. Luyao Zheng, Ph. D. Student, Broadband photodetectors

Ms. Lu Yu, Ph. D. Student, perovskite  thermoelectric device

Mr. Tao Zhu, Ph. D. student, perovskite solar cells and photodetectors

Mr. Dezhen Wu, M. Sc. student

Mr. Zixu Huang, M. Sc. student

Mr. Zhiyuan Chen, M. Sc. student

Mr. Xiuyuan Zhang, M. Sc. student

Mr. Zhihao Ma, M. Sc. student

Mr. suyuan Zhou, M. Sc. student

Mr. Baoshen Zhang, M. Sc. student

Miss Abigail Wilhite, Undergraduate student, organic thermoelectric devices

Miss Abigail Wilhite, Undergraduate student, organic thermoelectric devices

Miss Bethany Davidson, REU student, polymer photodetector

Miss Bethany Davidson, REU student, polymer photodetector

Ms. Olga Eliseeva and Mr. Jack Giles, high school students

Ms. Olga Eliseeva and Mr. Jack Giles, high school students


Dr. Chien-Lung Wang, post-doc, Assistant Professor, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan

Dr. Wanzhu Cai, joint Ph. D. student, Faculty, South China University of Technology

Dr. Tianzhi Yu, visiting professor, currently professor, Lanzhou Jiaotong University

Dr. Huanli Dong, visiting professor, Professor, Institute of Chemistry, CAS

Dr. Chao Yi, Ph. D. student, currently, post-doc, University of California

Dr. Kai Wang,  Ph. D. student, currently, post-doc, VT

Dr. Chang Liu. Ph. D. student

Dr. Hangxiong Wang, joint Ph. D. student, currently Faculty, Hubei University

Dr. Tinbing Yang, joint Ph. D. student, Assistant professor, South University and Technology, P. R. China

Dr. Xilan Liu, Ph. D. student , senior engineer, industrial company

Dr. Xiaowen Hu, Joint Ph. D. student, Assistant professor, South China Normal University

Dr. Hui Peng, Joint Ph. D. student, Assistant professor, Northwest Normal University

Dr. Pengcheng Du, Joint Ph.D. Student, Assistant professor, Lanzhou University

Dr. Yu Cao, visiting professor, professor, China

Mr. Xinjian Xu, visiting professor, Professor, Northwest University

Mr. Rundong Hu, Currently Ph. D. student in Chem Eng. The University of Akron

Mr. Jose Chapa Garza, M. Sc. student (co-advised with Prof. A. Karim). Graduated, in Mexico

Ms. Zhehui Li, M. Sc. Student; currently, Ph. D. student in College of Boston

Mr. Bohao Li, M. Sc. Student; currently Ph. D. student in University of Alabama

Mr. He Ren, M Sc. Student

Mr. Guanyu Fang, M. Sc. Student, currently Ph. D. student in Hong Kong University

Mr. Zhan Zhang, M. Sc. Student, currently Ph. D. student, Clemson University

Mr. Qiang Fu, M. Sc. student, currently Ph. D. student, University of Houston

Ms. Zixin Wang, M. Sc. student, Currently Ph. D. student, University of South Carolina

Ms. Rebecca Sherlock,  Undergraduate student